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The Never Ending To Do List, 2019-Present

Sometimes I feel like I have a To Do list, that is a million miles long. As I’m sure many of you can relate, when you cross off one thing another two things are added. I wanted to portray that overwhelming feeling you get when you look at a very long list. I compiled all the To Do lists that I had created from my phone, laptop and multiple notebooks and sketch books, from the past six years. I then chronologically hand stamped by the letter, each task that was a part of these To Do lists. I stayed true to what I wrote, even using short forms and acronyms that were a part of these lists. This textile project is currently over 65 feet long and continues to grow. I look at this project as being autobiographical. It tells a story about my life from the last six years. It shows how my priorities have shifted and it even communicates relationships that I still have and ones that have ended. It tells a story of who I am.

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